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How to use different styles for different sections of а site?

  1. admin
    admin avatar
    3 posts
    18 Jun 2018
    18 Jun 2018
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    Ok... Here we go: We have a big website to develop. It contains many sections and each section will have its own colour scheme. The colour would be the only difference. 

    What would be the best way to build the front-end? 

    I would like to make this as flexible and easy for the CMS user as possible...

    Can anyone give me an idea? Currently I have the following solution: 

    1. Create a master page.
    2. Create different themes with different colours.
    3. From the CMS create templates with these different themes.
    4. CMS editor creates a pages based on the right template.
    Note: Downside - user might choose a template that has different colour from the section where the page is being created.
    5. In the master page set the theme of the child web pages at run time to inherit their parent's template. 

    Does this sound like the best approach? Is there a better solution? 

    Thank you in advance!
  2. marketer
    marketer avatar
    2 posts
    18 Jun 2018
    18 Jun 2018
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    There are few different approaches to this scenario. It depends how experienced are your content writers, how many colors are you going to support, how many color differences are going to have in the themes.  I am attaching a scheme with few different approaches that may point you to the right direction.

    Approaches Scheme

    Kind regards,