What is Eco Friendly Technology

Jun 12, 2018, 07:17 AM by Katy McMahon
Green tech innovators use the latest environmental science and green chemistry to reduce the harmful impact of human activity on the earth

What is eco-friendly technology? Also known as clean tech, green tech and environmental tech, eco-friendly technology can help preserve the environment through energy efficiency and reduction of harmful waste. Green tech innovators use the latest environmental science and green chemistry to reduce the harmful impact of human activity on the earth.

Green technology is still in the earliest stages of development, but many exciting innovations have already been made in areas like renewable energy, water purification and waste management, as well as in everyday consumer products like electronics and vehicles. It can be as small as a hand-held gadget or as expansive as a new method of filtering greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere.

So what is your take. Let's say you recycle your laptop and then get a new one immediately for half the price. Would you be in for that?

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